Holiday Ham Recipe

I don't cook/bake all that often, but when I do I like to have some fun with it. I came up with a ham recipe that turned out well, so I figured I'd share it with everyone.

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Beertraq Beta!

I'm glad to announce that my recent pet project, Beertraq, is now in a (somewhat closed) beta stage! The basic idea is there and functioning, but the extra functionality isn't done and it's far from polished. Nonetheless, it's time to take her for a test drive!

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Moving Servers and Doing It Right

Well, I finally bit the bullet and got a Linode account. So far I'm pretty happy with it. I figured that with the costs of power and bandwidth, I was almost spending $20/month to run my old server on my own hardware. Incidentally, the lowest-grade Linode VM costs that much and is enough to suit my needs.

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