Intelligent Drink Dispenser in the news!

So, I've been pretty quiet about my Intelligent Drink Dispenser project so far, mostly because there was going to be a competition between myself and Clint Rutkas and I didn't want to give the enemy any details.

Well, the cat's out of the bag:

The communications department of my university, Missouri S&T (formerly UMR), gets alerts from Google News whenever someone mentions the university's name and since Clint did just that, his post showed up in their email. After talking with the director of communications, he decided to run the story. I gotta say, it's a pretty great way for my Senior Design class to wind down.

For those interested in the details of the Intelligent Drink Dispenser, stay tuned! I'll be posting more information about it soon.

Side note: since the story got posted, my server's been chugging along to serve up my website, almost maxing out the upload on my poor cable internet connection. Here's the traffic graph from my router:

Traffic graph